There are so many PC keyboards pretending to be “ergonomic”, being just “broken” in the middle. But what is ergonomic keyboard? How is it looks like?

MALTRON Ergonomic Keyboard

This is 3D ergonomic keyboard. Keys are not on a plain surface but in a spheroid, so all mostly used keys are on equal distance from your fingers.

This British invention has been awarded as:

* ‘Millennium Product’ awarded by British Design Council.
* ‘Health & Safety Product of the Year’ North West Today.
* ‘Finalist, British Invention of the Year 2003′

Kensington VoIP Bluetooth™ Internet Phone

Kensington VoIP Bluetooth™ Internet Phone Specifications:

Make clear calls through your laptop with advanced cancellation and noise suppression technology
Sleek design fold into the size of a PC card slot and stores in your laptop
Designed for hands-free use as a speakerphone or flip base to use as a handset for a private call
Continuously charges when stored to maximize your talk time
Up to 3 hours of talk time and 30 hours standby

Mobile Secret Codes

* Use at Own Risk


*3370# This Nokia code activates Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) - Your Nokia cell phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced my approx. 5%
#3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR)
*#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time
*#4720# With this Nokia code you can deactivate the Half Rate Codec
*#0000# Displays your phones software version, 1st Line : Software Version, 2nd Line : Software Release Date, 3rd Line : Compression Type
*#9999# Phones software version if *#0000# does not work
*#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number)
#pw+1234567890+1# Provider Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
#pw+1234567890+2# Network Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
#pw+1234567890+3# Country Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
#pw+1234567890+4# SIM Card Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
*#147# This lets you know who called you last (Only vodofone)
*#1471# Last call (Only vodofone)
*#21# This phone code allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted to
*#2640# Displays phone security code in use
*#30# Lets you see the private number
*#43# Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your cell phone.
*#61# Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to
*#62# Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unreachable (no service)" calls are diverted to
*#67# Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to
*#67705646# Phone code that removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330
*#73# Reset phone timers and game scores
*#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature "SIM Clock Stop Allowed", it means you will get the best standby time possible
*#7760# Manufactures code
*#7780# Restore factory settings
*#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110
*#92702689# Displays - 1.Serial Number, 2.Date Made, 3.Purchase Date, 4.Date of last repair (0000 for no repairs), 5.Transfer User Data. To exit this mode you need to switch your phone off then on again
*#94870345123456789# Deactivate the PWM-Mem
**21*number# Turn on "All Calls" diverting to the phone number entered
**61*number# Turn on "No Reply" diverting to the phone number entered
**67*number# Turn on "On Busy" diverting to the phone number entered
12345 This is the default security code
press and hold # Lets you switch between lines

[Secret Codes for 3330] Imei Information :-
To view the imei number on this model simply type *#06#
Software version type *#0000#
*#170602112302# shows the SW version.
Service Provider Lock Information :-
Service Provider Lock Service Provider lock is the lock to your phone which is implement by your service provider e.g. Orange onto your sim card. The phone is usually locked to a certain SP but it can be unlocked allowing you access to other service providers that provide a better deal. The same effect can also be used by using a Dual sim, you could have two sim cards in one phone allowing you to switch between sims and SP 1. First sim = Orange 2. Second sim = One2One
Short Message Serivce Centre Numbers ( FREE SMS ):-
SMSC (Short Message Serivce Centre Numbers) SMS Centre number allow you to send free sms, by changing your message centre number like this:
1. Go to messages
2. Message Settings
3. Set 1
4. Message Centre Number
5. Then change the number to one from SMSC Number section (from SMSC #'s given below)

What does this do?
Instead of paying for your messages, you can alter a number in your phone to send to a different centre. This cannot charge you, and consequently you have free SMS!
How does it work?
When you send a text message, it is first transmitted to your network's routing centre, called the Short Message Service Centre, or SMSC. This SMSC is generally a telephone number, normally a memorable one- i.e. Orange's is 0973 100973. Here, it is sent to the recipient's network's SMSC, where it is then forwarded to their phone. The whole process takes only seconds, but the vital part is when it reaches your SMSC, because then it is forwarded, and you are charged according to your tariff. If you, however, change your SMSC number to one below, the network who forward the message will not know who you are, and consequently cannot charge you. Clever huh?
Does it always work?
No! It can take hours to find a number that hasn't been blocked by your network- they usually carry out checks monthly and bar any numbers known to be forwarding SMS. Also, I understand that Orange and all networks in Denmark have barred all numbers aside from their own- so it won't work with Orange or Danish networks.
ISDN Number :-
ISDN number For checking ISDN number enter *#92772689#
Warranty Menu To view the warranty menu enter *#92702689# [*#war0anty#]
1) shows the serial nr.
2) shows when the cel phone was made mmyy
3) shows when the cel. phone was purchased mmyy
4) shows how many times the cel. phone has been repaired.
5) makes you capebel of transferring user data if you have the gear for it
6) shows how many houres the phone has been on Warranty
Menu To view Warranty menu enter *#92702689# [*#war0anty#] Phone asks 'warranty code:' Press the following warranty code: 6232 (OK) : Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture (MMYY)
7332 (OK) : Displays the date of the last repairment - if found ('DATE NOT SAVED'...) 7832 (OK) : Displays (if found) the date where the phone was purchased ('DATE NOT SAVED'...)
9268 (OK) : Displays Serial Number
37832 (OK) : Set the Purchasing Date MMYY (Warning: You can only do this once - So be careful ...)
87267 (OK) : Transfers ALL phone numbers, pictures, sounds from one phone to another eg. if broken (via IRport.)
Sim Clock Stop :-
To view if sim clock can be stoped enter *#746025625# [*#sim0clock#] (Sim-clock-stop is a kind of standby mode which will save battery time) May not work with all firmware versions.

Enhanced Full Rate/Half Rate Enhanced Full Rate Codec :-
(EFR) For activation enter *#3370#
For deactivation enter *#3370*
Enhanced Full Rate Will give you much better sound quality when you enable it. The new Enhanced Full Rate CODEC adopted by GSM uses the ASELP (AlgebraicCode Excitation Linear Prediction) compression technology. This technology allows for much great voice quality in the same number of bits as the older Full Rate CODEC. The older technology was called LPC-RPE (Linear Prediction Coding with Regular Pulse Excitation). Both operate at 13 kilobits.(but you take up more space on the network, so they can charge you more) - Talk-time is reduced with about 5%
Half Rate Codec
For activation enter *#4720#
For deactivation enter *#4720* In all cases the phone will automatically restart.
Half Rate will give you bad soundquality, which gives the serviceprovider the opportunity to have more calls on the network, and you might get a lower charge from them. - Will give you 30% longer talk-time.
Imei Code :-
To View IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) enter *#06# Firmware Versions
Check To view the Firmware version enter *#170602112302#

Restore Factory Settings :-
To restore factory settings (Memory, language, counters not included) enter *#7780#
Manufacturer Information To view Week and Year of manufactureenter *#3283# [*# D A T E #] The last two digits are the year. If the year is 95, the first two digits are the month. For 96 the first two digits are the week of the year.
Firmware Version :-
To view the firmware version enter *#170602112302# or *#9999# On newer phones, the code has been changed to *#682371158412125#

Samsung Reset Codes

You can try these in case you downloaded corrupted or incompatible Java midlets or other media, which are causing problems with the phone.

*2767*JAVA# Java Reset and (Deletes all Java Midlets)

*2767*MEDIA# Reset Media (Deletes All Sounds and Pics)

*2767*WAP# Wap Reset

*2767*CUST# Reset Custom EEPR0M

*2767*FULL# Reset Full EEPR0M (Caution)

For example : *2767*JAVA# would be keyed in as *2767*5282#

Note : Not all codes will work with SGH-C100.

Other Samsung Codes

*#06# IMEI code

*#9998*4357# Help Menu

*#9998*5282# Java menu (GRPS/CSD settings for JAVA server)

*#9999#0# Monitor Mode

*#9999# or *#9998*9999# Software Version

*#8888# or *#9998*8888# Hardware Version

*#9998*746# or *#9998*0746# or *#0746# Sim Infos

*#9998*523# or *#9998*0523# or *#0523# Display Contrast

*#9998*842# or *#9998*0842# or *#0842# Vibration On (until you push OK)

*#9998*289# or *#9998*0289# or *#0289# Buzzer On (until you push OK)

*#9998*288# or *#9998*0288# or *#0288# Battery & Field Infos

*#9998*377# or *#9998*0377# Error log

*#9998*778# or *#9998*0778# or *#0778# Sim Service table

*#9998*782# show date and alarm clock

*#8999*638# show network information

*#9998*5646# change operator logo at startup

*#9998*76# production number

*#9998*968# view melody for alarm

*#9998*585# Non-Volatile Memory (NVM)

*#3243948# Digital Audio Interference Off

*#32436837# Digital Audio Interference On

*#06# -> Show IMEI
*#9999# -> Show Software Version
*#0001# -> Show Serial Parameters

*2767*3855# -> Full EEPROM Reset ( THIS CODE REMOVES SP-LOCK!!!! but
change IMEI to 447967-89-400044-0, you must use CHGIMEI to
restore it)
*2767*2878# -> Custom EEEPROM Reset

*#8999*228# -> Battery status (capacity, voltage, temperature)
*#8999*246# -> Program status
*#8999*289# -> Change Alarm Buzzer Frequency
*#8999*324# -> Debug screens
*#8999*364# -> Watchdog
*#8999*377# -> EEPROM Error Stack
*#8999*427# -> Trace Watchdog
*#8999*523# -> Change LCD contrast
*#8999*544# -> Jig detect
*#8999*636# -> Memory status
*#8999*746# -> SIM File Size
*#8999*778# -> SIM Service Table
*#8999*785# -> RTK (Run Time Kernel) errors
*#8999*786# -> Run, Last UP, Last DOWN
*#8999*837# -> Software Version
*#8999*842# -> Test Vibrator
*#8999*862# -> Vocoder Reg
*#8999*872# -> Diag
*#8999*947# -> Reset On Fatal Error
*#8999*999# -> Last/Chk

*#8999*9266# -> Yann debug screen (=Debug Screens?)
*#8999*9999# -> Software version

*0001*s*f*t# -> Changes serial parameters (s=?, f=0,1, t=0,1)
*0002*?# -> unknown
*0003*?# -> unknown

v200 Unlock Code-> *2767*7822573738#

*#9324# Netmon (press the hangup key to exit)
*#9998*JAVA# Edit GPRS/ CSD settings (S100 Only)
*#9998*Help# Help screen/ List of codes
*#9998*LOGO# Change operator Logo
*#9998*RTC# RTC Display
*#9998*Bat# Battery Status
*#9998*Buz# Turns Buzzer ON
*#9998*Vib# Turns Vibrator ON
*#9998*LCD# LCD Contrast
*#9998*9999# Softwre Version
*#9998*8888# Hardware Version
*#9998*377# NVM Error Log (?????)
*#9998*NET# SIM Network ID
*#9998*778# SIM Serv. Table
*#9998*SIM# SIM Info
*#9998*PN# Production No.
*#9998*968# Reminder Tune
*#9998*NVM# Displays Non-Volitile Memory Status
*#9999*C# ???????????????????
*#06# Displays phones I**I No.

*#9998*2576# Forces SIM Error
*#9998*DEAD# Forces Phone Crash
*2767*MEDIA# Resets the medis on the phone (deletes all downloaded
*2767*FULL# Resets the EEPRON *DANGEROUS*
*2767*CUST# Resets the Custom EEPRON
*2767*JAVA# Resets JAV downloads (deletes all downloaded midlits)
*2767*STACKRESET# Resets Stack
*2767*225RESET# ????????????????? * Dangerous *
*2767*WAP# Resets WAP Setting & Deletes Favorites

The universal unlock code is *2767*637# do this with out your sim in.

Scythe Samurai Master CPU Cooler

Scythe Samurai Master Model SCASM-1000 CPU Heatsink - If CPU's were Samurai's they would run in fear from the Samurai Master or as we like to call our new heatsink "Andy". Sure, the name "Andy" isn't likely to strike fear in the hearts of men, but we talking about heatsinks here aren't we? That's the Samurai Master is a new heat pipe cooler designed to cool today's latest processors with very low noise.


*High performance CPU Cooler with low noise
*Cooling Technology - Six heat pipes, copper base, and aluminum heatsink
*Supports Intel Socket 478, LGA 775, AMD K8 processors including AM2 (See Below)
*Heat Pipes efficiently disperse heat to large surface area heatsink for more effective cooling
*Thermal grease included.

CrazyPC Hover Mouse

The CrazyPC Hover Mouse(TM) is the world's first 100% friction-less mouse. Utilizing advanced, patent-pending electromagnetic hovering technology, the Hover Mouse floats one centimeter above the mousing surface at all times. It is a well established fact, that friction results in wear to your mouse and decreased accuracy while gaming. Since the Hover Mouse is friction-less wear is eliminated, and in-game accuracy sky rockets. Be the first on your block to own a Hover Mouse! Ideal for all gamers or for those suffering from arthritis!


Friction-less mouse
Ideal for gamers
Patent pending electromagnetic hover technology
6000 DPI Optical Engine
Wireless Mouse
Proprietary metal alloy composite billited mousing surface with attractive brushed aluminum finish.
3 Button Mouse with Blue LED lights

You May Never Use Your Mobile Phone Again!

Long range wireless communication capability connects you to the world! The distance between handset and base unit can be as far as 68-128Km (manufacturer's specification). The SN-668 is particularly suitable for fixed point to point communications.

· Double base units for Point to Point Communication
· Small mobile phone type handset that is easy for carrying
· Handset with large LCD display


· Multi-handset system (up to 5 handsets can be used at the same time)
· Transferring calls between handsets
· Can be used as a Walkie-Talkie
· Handset with speakerphone function
· Base unit speakerphone
· FSK/DTMF auto caller ID
· MCU control, 100,000 different sets of security code capability
· Large LCD display that illuminates in the dark
· Time display with alarm function
· Talk time display
· 8 different ring tones
· Quick dialing and number searching (10 phonebook memory, 10 dialed number recall)
· Quick searching received/missed call
· Quick redial of up to 40 numbers
· Tone/pulse dialing capability
· Super power-saving with long standby time
· Super high frequency (230MHz) will not cause interference to television
· Low battery alert
· Battery charge indicator
· Two-way paging and intercom function
· Communication range is up to 68-128Km (direct line of sight without interference)

Mozilla Discloses 2005 Revenue: $53M

While the most interesting thing about Mozilla is most definitely its excellent Firefox browser, it’s also noteworthy that the non-profit makes quite a bit of money. Today, Mozilla CEO Mitchell Baker wrote on her blog that the Mozilla Foundation (which owns the subsidiary Mozilla Corporation, created in part to deal with the cash flow) made $52.9 million in revenue in 2005.

Baker said the “bulk” of the money comes from “search engine relationships” like the crucial one Mozilla brokered with Google for default search box placement in the chrome of the Firefox browser.

These are some very profitable arrangements, ones that have opened up a new category of business model now used by browser and plug-in companies, such as Opera. Mozilla spent $8.2 million in 2005, leaving $44.7 million in profit for what Baker calls “a reserve fund.”

Last year speculation ran rampant after the figure $72 million was floated as a yearly revenue estimate for Firefox. (Incidentally, this guesstimate originated with the CEO of Browster, a company we covered today under very different circumstances.) Today’s blog post is the first time Mozilla has publicly addressed the 2005 revenue information in detail.

Previous revenue figures of $2.4 million in 2003 and $5.8 million in 2004 are publicly available (if a little slow to be released) because the foundation is a non-profit. Mozilla has also added them to its own site. Baker did not give estimates for 2006 revenue, though she said it remained “steady.”